Is the nation an ‘imagined community’ centered on culture or rather a biological community determined by heredity? Modernism and Eugenics examines this question from a bifocal perspective. On the one hand, it looks at technologies through which the individual body was redefined eugenically by a diverse range of European scientists and politicians between 1870 and 1940; on the other, it illuminates how the national community was represented by eugenic discourses that strove to battle a perceived process of cultural decay and biological degeneration. In the wake of a renewed interest in the history of science and fascism, Modernism and Eugenics treats the history of eugenics not as a distorted version of crude social Darwinism that found its culmination in the Nazi policies of genocide, but as an integral part of European modernity, one in which the state and the individual embarked on an unprecedented quest to renew an idealized national community.Read more...
Holocaust Memorial Center and the Hungarian Historical Society is holding conference on anti-Semitism in Budapest, Hungary on 15-16 October 2010.
Roger Griffin's talk is entitled "The ontology of Judeophobia: The role of modernity in the transformations of anti-Semitism in the 20th century".
His keynote address is called "Religion secular and profane: the contorted relationship between the revealed religion of Catholicism and the sacralized politics of fascism in inter-war Europe" and will be delivered on 16 September.
Roger Griffin will deliver a talk "Homo Humanus? Towards a primordialist and universalist view of humanism" at the international conference "Intercultural Humanism Challenges, Experiences, Visions, Strategies", to be held in Oxford on 9-12 September 2010.
Professor in Modern History at Oxford Brookes University, England. Roger Griffin lectures principally on aspects of the History of Ideas relating to ideologies and values that have shaped the modern world.